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McCullium again but really high up
130 x 236
5 k
Evan Pontoriero and his PC
336 x 242
24 k
a different angle of the set
391 x 255
31 k
a crew member working on the the famous ship set
393 x 255
31 k
another shot of the hover tank
191 x 202
14 k
a high res picture of the new fighter plane
800 x 600
123 k
McCallum on set with an odd ramp. Okay, maybe it is not odd but it is interisting
287 x 435
30.8 k
new set, maybe the interior of a spaceship
506 x 337
41 k
Hey look Jawa! I have boghten R2 units before by you and the last one blew up in my face. Trst do I have that this is a good droid?
350 x 230
25 k